Zat Gizi Dalam Makanan
sebagian orang, makan merupakan kegiatan menyenangkan. Namun di balik itu,
ketika Anda menikmatinya, apakah berkualitas nilai gizinya? Percuma saja jika
penampilan, aroma, dan cita rasanya baik, tapi gizinya rendah. Padahal, tubuh
kita sangat mengandalkan manfaat yang dimiliki zat gizi dari makanan tersebut.
Alasannya, tubuh tidak dapat memproduksi beberapa jenis zat gizi. Jadi, zat
yang ada di dalam makanan, menjadi penting bagi kesehatan kita.
Ketika tubuh
Anda melakukan pencernaan, makanan dipecah menjadi berbagai macam zat gizi yang
mudah diserap ke dalam aliran darah. Kemudian, langsung diedarkan ke seluruh
sel tubuh Anda. Tapi, tahukah Anda, jika lebih dari 40 jenis zat gizi di dalam
makanan, dikelompokkan menjadi 6 kelompok dengan fungsi yang unik dan spesifik.
Di dalam
tubuh kita, zat gizi ini adalah sumber utama energi bagi tubuh. Yang perlu Anda
perhatikan, ada dua jenis karbohidrat, yaitu karbohidrat kompleks (zat tepung)
dan gula yang dapat dicerna dan diserap oleh tubuh. Namun, ada juga karbohidrat
lainnya yang terdapat pada serat. Tapi, serat tidak termasuk zat gizi, karena
tidak dapat dicerna dan diserap oleh tubuh. Meskipun, serat sangat membantu
pencernaan dan memberikan perlindungan terhdapat beberapa penyakit.
Tubuh Anda
tentunya tidak dapat membuat semua jenis asam lemak yang diperlukan. Meskipun
begitu, asam lemak dapat diperoleh dari makanan yang Anda konsumsi. Lemak
selain berfungsi untuk menghasilkan energi, juga alat transportasi zat gizi
lain dan bagian dari berbagai sel tubuh.
Zat gizi ini
tentunya dapat juga diubah menjadi energi, bila tubuh Anda kekurangan
karbohidrat dan lemak. Jika hal ini terjadi, protein hanya berfungsi sebagai
pemeliharaan jaringan tubuh. Padahal, protein yang mengandung asam amino ini
bekerja untuk membangun, memperbaiki, dan mempertahankan jaringan tubuh Anda.
Pada prinsipnya, tubuh Anda dapat memproduksi asam amino yang nonesensial.
Sedangkan asam amino yang esensial harus diambil dari makanan.
4. Vitamin.
Setiap jenis
vitamin yang masuk ke dalam tubuh, tentunya akan mengatur sendiri dengan proses
yang berbeda. Karena perannya yang aman spesifik, setiap jenis vitamin tidak
dapat menggantikan fungsi vitamin yang lain. Sebab, fungsi vitamin adalah
pemicu berbagai proses dalam tubuh, yang mengawali terjadinya reaksi kimia di
dalam sel-sel tubuh.
- Vitamin A untuk
pembentukan sel-sel epitel dan menguatkan kepekaan saraf mata.
Vitamin B1 untuk proses metabolisme karbohidrat dan penyerapan lemak oleh usus - Vitamin B2 berfungsi dalam proses pemindaahan rangsang ke saraf mata dan berfungsi untuk proses oksidasi dalam sel
- Vitamin B6 berperan dalam proses pembuatan sel darah dan proses pertumbuhan
- Vitamin C berperan
dalam proses pencernaan protein dan lemak, dalam proses dalam sel serta
pembentukan trombosit.Selain itu bagus untuk daya tahan tubuh.
Vitamin D mengatur kadar kapur dan fosfor,membantu penyerapan kapur dan fosfor di usus,bagus untuk pertumbuhan tulang
Vitamin E mencegah pendarahan dan keguguran pada wanita hamil serta diperlukan saat pembelahan sel - Vitamin K berperan dlam pembentukan protrombin yang penting dalam proses pembentukan darah.
5. Mineral.
mineral sama halnya dengan vitamin. Ia bekerja sebagai pemicu proses, dan
memiliki pembagian tugas yang unik.
6. Air.
Anda, jika air itu dapat membantu mengatur suhu tubuh kita. Pasalnya, berat
tubuh kita terdiri atas air sebanyak 55% sampai 75%. Peranan air di dalam tubuh
kita, sebagai pengatur proses pengataran zat gizi dan kimia tubuh lainnya ke
dalam sel. Dan, membawa perginya limbah yang dihasilkan tubuh.
Nutritional Substances in Food
For some people, eating is an enjoyable activity. But beyond that, when you enjoy it, whether qualified nutritional value? Useless if the appearance, aroma, and taste good, but low nutrition. In fact, our bodies rely on the benefits that are owned nutrients from these foods. The reason, the body can not manufacture some types of nutrients. Thus, a substance that is in the food, it becomes important for our health.
When your body is doing digestion, food is broken down into various nutrients that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Then, immediately circulated to all the cells of your body. But, you know, if more than 40 types of nutrients in foods, grouped into 6 groups with unique functions and specific.
1. Carbohydrates.
In our body, this nutrient is the main source of energy for the body. You need to consider, there are two types of carbohydrates, the complex carbohydrates (starches) and sugars that can be digested and absorbed by the body. However, there are also other carbohydrates contained in the fibers. However, fiber is not including nutrients, because it can not be digested and absorbed by the body. Although, the very fiber aids digestion and provides protection terhdapat some diseases.
2. Fat.
Your body would not be able to make all types of fatty acids are required. Even so, the fatty acids can be obtained from the food you eat. Fat addition serves to generate power, as a means of transportation other nutrients and part of the various cells of the body.
3. Protein.
These nutrients can certainly also be converted into energy, when your body lacks carbohydrates and fats. If this happens, the protein only serves as the maintenance of body tissues. In fact, protein-containing amino acids have worked to build, repair, and maintain your body's tissues. In principle, your body can produce nonessential amino acids. While the essential amino acids must be taken out of food.
4. Vitamin.
Each type of vitamins into the body, it will organize itself with a different process. Due to the specific role of safe, every type of vitamin can not replace the function of other vitamins. Therefore, the function of vitamins is a trigger various processes in the body, which initiate chemical reactions within the cells of the body.
• Vitamin A for the formation of epithelial cells and strengthens the optic nerve sensitivity.
Vitamin B1 for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat absorption by the intestine
• Vitamin B2 function in the process pemindaahan excitatory nerve to the eye and functional for oxidation processes within the cell
• Vitamin B6 plays a role in the process of making blood cells and the process of growth
• Vitamin C plays a role in digestion of proteins and fats, in the process in the cells and the formation of the trombosit.Selain good for endurance.
Vitamin D regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorus, helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, good for bone growth
Vitamin E prevents bleeding and miscarriage in pregnant women as well as necessary during cell division
• Vitamin K plays a role in the development of the formation of prothrombin which is important in the process of blood formation.
5. Mineral.
Function of minerals as well as vitamins. It works as a trigger process, and has a unique division of tasks.
6. Water.
You know, if the water can help regulate our body temperature. Because the weight of our body consists of water by 55% to 75%. The role of water in our bodies, as a regulator of the process pengataran nutrients and other chemicals into the cell body. And, bringing it goes waste produced by the body.
For some people, eating is an enjoyable activity. But beyond that, when you enjoy it, whether qualified nutritional value? Useless if the appearance, aroma, and taste good, but low nutrition. In fact, our bodies rely on the benefits that are owned nutrients from these foods. The reason, the body can not manufacture some types of nutrients. Thus, a substance that is in the food, it becomes important for our health.
When your body is doing digestion, food is broken down into various nutrients that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Then, immediately circulated to all the cells of your body. But, you know, if more than 40 types of nutrients in foods, grouped into 6 groups with unique functions and specific.
1. Carbohydrates.
In our body, this nutrient is the main source of energy for the body. You need to consider, there are two types of carbohydrates, the complex carbohydrates (starches) and sugars that can be digested and absorbed by the body. However, there are also other carbohydrates contained in the fibers. However, fiber is not including nutrients, because it can not be digested and absorbed by the body. Although, the very fiber aids digestion and provides protection terhdapat some diseases.
2. Fat.
Your body would not be able to make all types of fatty acids are required. Even so, the fatty acids can be obtained from the food you eat. Fat addition serves to generate power, as a means of transportation other nutrients and part of the various cells of the body.
3. Protein.
These nutrients can certainly also be converted into energy, when your body lacks carbohydrates and fats. If this happens, the protein only serves as the maintenance of body tissues. In fact, protein-containing amino acids have worked to build, repair, and maintain your body's tissues. In principle, your body can produce nonessential amino acids. While the essential amino acids must be taken out of food.
4. Vitamin.
Each type of vitamins into the body, it will organize itself with a different process. Due to the specific role of safe, every type of vitamin can not replace the function of other vitamins. Therefore, the function of vitamins is a trigger various processes in the body, which initiate chemical reactions within the cells of the body.
• Vitamin A for the formation of epithelial cells and strengthens the optic nerve sensitivity.
Vitamin B1 for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat absorption by the intestine
• Vitamin B2 function in the process pemindaahan excitatory nerve to the eye and functional for oxidation processes within the cell
• Vitamin B6 plays a role in the process of making blood cells and the process of growth
• Vitamin C plays a role in digestion of proteins and fats, in the process in the cells and the formation of the trombosit.Selain good for endurance.
Vitamin D regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorus, helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, good for bone growth
Vitamin E prevents bleeding and miscarriage in pregnant women as well as necessary during cell division
• Vitamin K plays a role in the development of the formation of prothrombin which is important in the process of blood formation.
5. Mineral.
Function of minerals as well as vitamins. It works as a trigger process, and has a unique division of tasks.
6. Water.
You know, if the water can help regulate our body temperature. Because the weight of our body consists of water by 55% to 75%. The role of water in our bodies, as a regulator of the process pengataran nutrients and other chemicals into the cell body. And, bringing it goes waste produced by the body.
Zat Gizi Dalam Makanan
sebagian orang, makan merupakan kegiatan menyenangkan. Namun di balik itu,
ketika Anda menikmatinya, apakah berkualitas nilai gizinya? Percuma saja jika
penampilan, aroma, dan cita rasanya baik, tapi gizinya rendah. Padahal, tubuh
kita sangat mengandalkan manfaat yang dimiliki zat gizi dari makanan tersebut.
Alasannya, tubuh tidak dapat memproduksi beberapa jenis zat gizi. Jadi, zat
yang ada di dalam makanan, menjadi penting bagi kesehatan kita.
Ketika tubuh
Anda melakukan pencernaan, makanan dipecah menjadi berbagai macam zat gizi yang
mudah diserap ke dalam aliran darah. Kemudian, langsung diedarkan ke seluruh
sel tubuh Anda. Tapi, tahukah Anda, jika lebih dari 40 jenis zat gizi di dalam
makanan, dikelompokkan menjadi 6 kelompok dengan fungsi yang unik dan spesifik.
Di dalam
tubuh kita, zat gizi ini adalah sumber utama energi bagi tubuh. Yang perlu Anda
perhatikan, ada dua jenis karbohidrat, yaitu karbohidrat kompleks (zat tepung)
dan gula yang dapat dicerna dan diserap oleh tubuh. Namun, ada juga karbohidrat
lainnya yang terdapat pada serat. Tapi, serat tidak termasuk zat gizi, karena
tidak dapat dicerna dan diserap oleh tubuh. Meskipun, serat sangat membantu
pencernaan dan memberikan perlindungan terhdapat beberapa penyakit.
Tubuh Anda
tentunya tidak dapat membuat semua jenis asam lemak yang diperlukan. Meskipun
begitu, asam lemak dapat diperoleh dari makanan yang Anda konsumsi. Lemak
selain berfungsi untuk menghasilkan energi, juga alat transportasi zat gizi
lain dan bagian dari berbagai sel tubuh.
Zat gizi ini
tentunya dapat juga diubah menjadi energi, bila tubuh Anda kekurangan
karbohidrat dan lemak. Jika hal ini terjadi, protein hanya berfungsi sebagai
pemeliharaan jaringan tubuh. Padahal, protein yang mengandung asam amino ini
bekerja untuk membangun, memperbaiki, dan mempertahankan jaringan tubuh Anda.
Pada prinsipnya, tubuh Anda dapat memproduksi asam amino yang nonesensial.
Sedangkan asam amino yang esensial harus diambil dari makanan.
4. Vitamin.
Setiap jenis
vitamin yang masuk ke dalam tubuh, tentunya akan mengatur sendiri dengan proses
yang berbeda. Karena perannya yang aman spesifik, setiap jenis vitamin tidak
dapat menggantikan fungsi vitamin yang lain. Sebab, fungsi vitamin adalah
pemicu berbagai proses dalam tubuh, yang mengawali terjadinya reaksi kimia di
dalam sel-sel tubuh.
- Vitamin A untuk
pembentukan sel-sel epitel dan menguatkan kepekaan saraf mata.
Vitamin B1 untuk proses metabolisme karbohidrat dan penyerapan lemak oleh usus - Vitamin B2 berfungsi dalam proses pemindaahan rangsang ke saraf mata dan berfungsi untuk proses oksidasi dalam sel
- Vitamin B6 berperan dalam proses pembuatan sel darah dan proses pertumbuhan
- Vitamin C berperan
dalam proses pencernaan protein dan lemak, dalam proses dalam sel serta
pembentukan trombosit.Selain itu bagus untuk daya tahan tubuh.
Vitamin D mengatur kadar kapur dan fosfor,membantu penyerapan kapur dan fosfor di usus,bagus untuk pertumbuhan tulang
Vitamin E mencegah pendarahan dan keguguran pada wanita hamil serta diperlukan saat pembelahan sel - Vitamin K berperan dlam pembentukan protrombin yang penting dalam proses pembentukan darah.
5. Mineral.
mineral sama halnya dengan vitamin. Ia bekerja sebagai pemicu proses, dan
memiliki pembagian tugas yang unik.
6. Air.
Anda, jika air itu dapat membantu mengatur suhu tubuh kita. Pasalnya, berat
tubuh kita terdiri atas air sebanyak 55% sampai 75%. Peranan air di dalam tubuh
kita, sebagai pengatur proses pengataran zat gizi dan kimia tubuh lainnya ke
dalam sel. Dan, membawa perginya limbah yang dihasilkan tubuh.
Nutritional Substances in Food
For some people, eating is an enjoyable activity. But beyond that, when you enjoy it, whether qualified nutritional value? Useless if the appearance, aroma, and taste good, but low nutrition. In fact, our bodies rely on the benefits that are owned nutrients from these foods. The reason, the body can not manufacture some types of nutrients. Thus, a substance that is in the food, it becomes important for our health.
When your body is doing digestion, food is broken down into various nutrients that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Then, immediately circulated to all the cells of your body. But, you know, if more than 40 types of nutrients in foods, grouped into 6 groups with unique functions and specific.
1. Carbohydrates.
In our body, this nutrient is the main source of energy for the body. You need to consider, there are two types of carbohydrates, the complex carbohydrates (starches) and sugars that can be digested and absorbed by the body. However, there are also other carbohydrates contained in the fibers. However, fiber is not including nutrients, because it can not be digested and absorbed by the body. Although, the very fiber aids digestion and provides protection terhdapat some diseases.
2. Fat.
Your body would not be able to make all types of fatty acids are required. Even so, the fatty acids can be obtained from the food you eat. Fat addition serves to generate power, as a means of transportation other nutrients and part of the various cells of the body.
3. Protein.
These nutrients can certainly also be converted into energy, when your body lacks carbohydrates and fats. If this happens, the protein only serves as the maintenance of body tissues. In fact, protein-containing amino acids have worked to build, repair, and maintain your body's tissues. In principle, your body can produce nonessential amino acids. While the essential amino acids must be taken out of food.
4. Vitamin.
Each type of vitamins into the body, it will organize itself with a different process. Due to the specific role of safe, every type of vitamin can not replace the function of other vitamins. Therefore, the function of vitamins is a trigger various processes in the body, which initiate chemical reactions within the cells of the body.
• Vitamin A for the formation of epithelial cells and strengthens the optic nerve sensitivity.
Vitamin B1 for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat absorption by the intestine
• Vitamin B2 function in the process pemindaahan excitatory nerve to the eye and functional for oxidation processes within the cell
• Vitamin B6 plays a role in the process of making blood cells and the process of growth
• Vitamin C plays a role in digestion of proteins and fats, in the process in the cells and the formation of the trombosit.Selain good for endurance.
Vitamin D regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorus, helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, good for bone growth
Vitamin E prevents bleeding and miscarriage in pregnant women as well as necessary during cell division
• Vitamin K plays a role in the development of the formation of prothrombin which is important in the process of blood formation.
5. Mineral.
Function of minerals as well as vitamins. It works as a trigger process, and has a unique division of tasks.
6. Water.
You know, if the water can help regulate our body temperature. Because the weight of our body consists of water by 55% to 75%. The role of water in our bodies, as a regulator of the process pengataran nutrients and other chemicals into the cell body. And, bringing it goes waste produced by the body.
For some people, eating is an enjoyable activity. But beyond that, when you enjoy it, whether qualified nutritional value? Useless if the appearance, aroma, and taste good, but low nutrition. In fact, our bodies rely on the benefits that are owned nutrients from these foods. The reason, the body can not manufacture some types of nutrients. Thus, a substance that is in the food, it becomes important for our health.
When your body is doing digestion, food is broken down into various nutrients that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Then, immediately circulated to all the cells of your body. But, you know, if more than 40 types of nutrients in foods, grouped into 6 groups with unique functions and specific.
1. Carbohydrates.
In our body, this nutrient is the main source of energy for the body. You need to consider, there are two types of carbohydrates, the complex carbohydrates (starches) and sugars that can be digested and absorbed by the body. However, there are also other carbohydrates contained in the fibers. However, fiber is not including nutrients, because it can not be digested and absorbed by the body. Although, the very fiber aids digestion and provides protection terhdapat some diseases.
2. Fat.
Your body would not be able to make all types of fatty acids are required. Even so, the fatty acids can be obtained from the food you eat. Fat addition serves to generate power, as a means of transportation other nutrients and part of the various cells of the body.
3. Protein.
These nutrients can certainly also be converted into energy, when your body lacks carbohydrates and fats. If this happens, the protein only serves as the maintenance of body tissues. In fact, protein-containing amino acids have worked to build, repair, and maintain your body's tissues. In principle, your body can produce nonessential amino acids. While the essential amino acids must be taken out of food.
4. Vitamin.
Each type of vitamins into the body, it will organize itself with a different process. Due to the specific role of safe, every type of vitamin can not replace the function of other vitamins. Therefore, the function of vitamins is a trigger various processes in the body, which initiate chemical reactions within the cells of the body.
• Vitamin A for the formation of epithelial cells and strengthens the optic nerve sensitivity.
Vitamin B1 for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat absorption by the intestine
• Vitamin B2 function in the process pemindaahan excitatory nerve to the eye and functional for oxidation processes within the cell
• Vitamin B6 plays a role in the process of making blood cells and the process of growth
• Vitamin C plays a role in digestion of proteins and fats, in the process in the cells and the formation of the trombosit.Selain good for endurance.
Vitamin D regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorus, helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, good for bone growth
Vitamin E prevents bleeding and miscarriage in pregnant women as well as necessary during cell division
• Vitamin K plays a role in the development of the formation of prothrombin which is important in the process of blood formation.
5. Mineral.
Function of minerals as well as vitamins. It works as a trigger process, and has a unique division of tasks.
6. Water.
You know, if the water can help regulate our body temperature. Because the weight of our body consists of water by 55% to 75%. The role of water in our bodies, as a regulator of the process pengataran nutrients and other chemicals into the cell body. And, bringing it goes waste produced by the body.
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